Factors such as; Compliance management, communication amongst the team and being overly impressionable are just but a few factors which may hinder your productivity
According to our research the following are the major pain points when it comes to accounting firms and financial firms in general.
1. Overly Impressionable
Every employee strives to give their firm their very best and at times we tend to have too many plans but never really figure out how to schedule this. An accountant who is able to spot out a problem and solves it before hand is well appreciated. Kylix Technology makes it easy to monitor financial contracts. Having done monthly or quarterly reviews using our software you will be able to know your clients position, mitigate risk and give them a good data driven recommendation.
2. Managing compliance
We have a cloud based software which helps in transitioning a number of compliance process such as automation. For example, One can streamline the loan compliance work eliminating the manual process of reconciling loans between client entities.
3. Team communication
With our technology solution its easy to share notes, these information are captured in the CRM feature which has slots for meetings, phone calls, emails, reports and even short notes. this CRM feature is accessible to the staff
The list is endless if your pain point is not covered we would love to hear about it so that we can give you a well detailed information on how our software will come in handy to your needs. If it is highlighted please reach out for more details