Odoo Fleet Module

How to manage a fleet

Organizations that have fleets of vehicles can prove a challenge to the managers and HR when trying to organize them and keep a track of them manually. Odoo Fleet module helps to manage the vehicles especially if you use the company vehicles as a requirement for your daily tasks, like delivery of furniture and electronics or attending to fiber issues.

On the dashboard of the fleet app, you will have an overview of all your vehicles. They will be categorized in new requests, to order, ordered, registered, and downgraded. By clicking any of the cars under these categories, there are smart buttons that will display who is currently the custodian of the vehicle, how many services it has had, how many deliveries it has gone for,  when it was last fueled and how much, registration number and the odometer reading.

From the dashboard, the vehicles in your fleet show a red or an orange alert sign, and the red sign will signify that the contract of the vehicle is overdue for renewal and the orange means that it will need to be renewed soon. Once a new vehicle is acquired by the fleet team, the app even allows you to assign a future driver in case the current one will not have the vehicle for long. Once these details are saved, a contract is automatically created for whether you are repairing or leasing the vehicle. There will be information on the contract of when the contract is starting to when it is ending, the invoiced date, and the vehicle information i.e. the type of the vehicle.

The fleet app is able to display all the above information under one vehicle, all the smart tabs are available and they will display all the desired information of that particular vehicle.

A report can also be pulled from the fleet app and you can see the contracts, the cars that are costing the most in terms of fuel, and costly services and help you carry out a managerial decision. It is very desirable for any firm/organization that has a fleet or one that is planning to acquire one.