Odoo Contacts

How to use the the contacts module in Odoo

All companies have contacts in the form of employees or names of suppliers and companies in their database. Odoo has a simple module where the information of its employees and suppliers can be input and it can be accessed in one centralized place saving time. They can be viewed in a number of views, e.g. Kanban and List view.

With the Contacts module you can encode and import the information and also access it on every other Odoo app. The module allows you to create the contact of an individual or a company, their names, address, phone numbers, email, websites, and the preferred language and VAT of the contact.

When the above is filled there are other tabs below on the chatter where it allows you to add an address, internal notes, and note if they are good-paying customers, for example, their sales and purchases if they are vendors, a salesperson can be assigned to this contact and other things like their preferred delivery method and their payment methods and payment terms. and any invoices information like their bank account.

On top of the page, there are tabs that display how many meetings you have had with them, the opportunity the meetings have accrued, their invoices, their credit card information, and any analytic account that has been set up for them. In each tab, there will be a particular number to show how many meetings you have had or how many invoices they have received. There is also an archive button that lets you archive a contact if you are not working with them at the moment, and you can easily unarchive them.

From the list view, you can export the contacts on an excel sheet or a CSV sheet and it gives you a list of things that you want to appear on the excel sheet. Contacts can also be imported into Odoo and use the sheet you have exported and use the fields there in to import the contacts correctly.